
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Don't Let The Devil Steal Your Joy!

Everyday, when we wake up, then make our daily drive to work or to where we live , life will always present us with  many new challenge or obstacles. There will be certain things that we have to deal with on the daily basis, like our fussy children, certain family members that always gets on our nerves or our spouses that sometimes drives us crazy and Lord, I know that you are listening, please do something with those terrible drivers! On our jobs our employers and even some of our co-workers will try to get under our skin. One can't even have peace while shopping at a store or dinning out at a restaurant, because as you may already know some of the people that are employed there,  may not always be friendly and some may intentionally give you bad customer service.  What I have now began to realize that life, will never be perfect and to make it in this world you not only have to be strong with your beliefs , but also with your convictions. Sometimes you may have to let some people know who you are,(In a nice way) that you are not a person that they can run over and play mind games with or someone they can take advantage of. In life  people will always try to test you and some will try to push your buttons, in order to make you mad or angry. But as my late grandmother would always say, "Baby, they can't eat you and people will always be people, so learn to deal with it". What I have learned to do, is not to take everything so personal, because I may not know or understand what the person in front of me has been going through. I may have caught them at a bad time in their life or there may be something going on in their personal life that has them acting so mean or nasty.

That's why everyday, I try my best to always have a positive attitude, to smile no matter what and to always look at life from the brighter side. I know to some that may be difficult, but if you had a personal relationship with God, as I do ,then you to will also be able to look at life as I do. To the ones that do have personal relationship with God, I have this bit of small advice to offer. Serving God is not only believing in him, but its also recognizing that we all have an common enemy and to always remember that the world we live in is not perfect. People will always make mistakes and sometimes we have to take time to understand, what a person is going through. The devil will always do his best, to ruin your day or (if you let him) your life. That is why you must always pray and as crazy as this may sound, have a deep conversation with yourself. What I mean by this, is when people make you angry, you must then take a deep breath before you say something stupid or do something that you may regret .

My advice to anyone who may be blessed enough to read this, is if you learn to be more patient and not allow anyone to get into your head or to make you angry, then the battle is already won. My mother would always tell me when it comes to dealing with people, "That cooler heads always prevail". What she meant by this is,  if you can talk to a person, calmly , with conviction and strength, then a solution to any problem can be solved. But for the people that are stupid, impossible to deal with, always leave those people in the hands of Lord. Because some people will always be dumb, stupid or ignorant and enjoy their evil ways. They love , drama, hate  and enjoy all  that's evil in world. Because of that main fact one must, never allow a person or a certain situation change who they are, because its who you are or what you are that defines your nature. Everyday, we all should wake up grateful or happy for another day, because its always a blessing to wake up alive. Life as my mother would say, "Life is how you chose to live or how you make it".  No matter what happens during your day or night," Don't Let The Devil  Steal Your Joy".
May God bless you always,

Psalm 108:13
With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.
Isaiah 9:7
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.



  1. Good word. After going what I went through with my ex husband. I told myself that I would never allow anyone to bring me to the point of anger where I am not recognizable as the person who I am. It not worth allowing anyoe to have control over you. Mant ties I have dealt with comments from people that were suppose t make me feel hurtful, but I just smile and let it fly over my head. Recently, a previous coo-worker was asking how I like my new job and she made a comment that I was workign with the "big dogs", so another person who was standing by made a comment saying I was probably "kissing butt", I just smiled and looked at her and she just left beause I knew it wasn't the truth about me. Silence hurts worst than a angry word. Life is too short to allow the ignorance of people to affect you. People will always disappoint you, so I just accept it when it comes, but if something needs to be said, I will say it with an unexpected response and God will get the GLORY. Be Blessed

    1. beautifully said:)) I am so glad I ran across this page!

    2. thank you so much

  2. Always put your trust or faith in God,because man will only disappoint you. Keep the faith my sister in Christ and I'll keep you in my prayers.



  4. Thank you for posting. Your post really helped me. I'm going to try and not let people get into my head. I'll pray for them and forgive them.

  5. "Be quick to listen and slow to anger"...I would like to share for Encouragement? Some might saw to given Encouragement is oft to make flaterring comments and say things like 'you can do it'..that can be partially true, but True Encouragement helps one dig their Root deepr into The Rock where the storms of the sea of humanity do not drown you or knock your inner Tree of Life down..the Strength in Your Salvation being Worked out in Growing to the Knowledge of God. Whta was arrested upon me before even knowing what was going on, not having picked up a bible (yet)..was "Do not let them steal your Joy..they will doubt things you say and think you are 'insnae' or nuts..that was in reference to hearing The Lord say one thing, "Now you will Know" was that simple...but to tell people I 'heard' that they will not believe it..and in that they will 'steal your Joy in Knowing me and Being Fully Known". "toss not your pearls before swine or the dogs"...But Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs (of Bread) the fall from the laps of The Children who dine at the Master Table".

  6. When I had my experience with the Lord it was understood, "They will try to steal your Joy" from that intuitively it meant, "let know one convince you otherwise" also came to for to me and understanding of what 'evil' is...vile, to want to live my own life would never work if I'm already dead. I was trying to find a verse that relates to this, that is what led me to your blogpost.
