
Monday, June 6, 2011

Thank God For The Haters !!!!

There are many ways our Father in Heaven uses people to inspire or motivate  his people. Sometimes he inspires or gets us to act by allowing certain people we wouldn't expect in our lives just  to move us. These people go by many names such as haters, doubters, non-believers, judgmental and liars. You may ask ,how can these type of people inspire, motivate or move  you to succeed in life and too do Gods work? Sometimes  each of us need a little push or need a little extra something ,like having someone close to you doubting or implying that you're not good enough or smart enough, in order for you to become angry enough too prove them wrong. These people who doubt you, hate on you or lie on you are not very far from your heart. Believe it or not sometimes even your family or friends and even your spouse can be the main people who do not believe or have faith in you. I know a lot of you may think that this is sad, because in a perfect world, the people we love is suppose to be our main supporters. But instead in most cases these people hate, doubt, lie and even talk about you behind your back just to keep you from being a success or from being blessed. But for me I love it when people doubt me, do not believe in me, hate on me and I praise God when they attempt or try to judge me or bring me down. Why? Because our Father in Heaven knows that as long as I believe in him,  that all things are possible and if they can lie, doubt, talk about, then  hate on Jesus, why wouldn't they do the same to you or I? If you happen too be hated on, lied on, doubted and pre- judged, it must mean you are doing something right .

If you happen to be a christian then you already know that, the Devil will stop at nothing to keep you from  being successful or from being blessed. Then he will try to steal your joy or happiness and use people like your friends, family or even your co-workers to work against you. What he doesn't realize is all that sometimes all of  that drama or confusion does is inspire you. Then make you more determined then ever  to become a success. Like my late grandmother always use to say, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger or wiser". It also may make you pray to our Father in Heaven for the strength to battle all that hate, doubt or lie. God is so good, because the battle isn't ours, its the Lord.

If you happen to be reading this and going through a hard time in your life repeat after me. Say, "Devil you are a liar , I am a child of God and you will not steal my joy or my blessings".  For, I know that God has all power and through him and his son Jesus all things are possible . God will get all the glory once I have succeeded. So thank you Jesus, for those who hate, those who doubt and those who doubt or don't believe in me. Because without them I could not be inspired or moved enough to prove them wrong. We are all inspire to do great things in different ways, sometimes anger can be used in a good way or as motivation. The next time you are hated on, lied on , talked about and someone says to you I do not believe you can. Then you say to them may God bless you and through God all things are possible. The repeat after me that ,"God knows my path and Gods plan is perfect", if God is for me then there can be no man or woman against me". After you are done then get on your knees then pray and thank Jesus for them, because then you know very soon after that, your blessings are on its way. Thank you Jesus and Thank God For Ther Haters
Have a blessed night,

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows

Psalm 56:9 Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me.

Psalm 56:9 Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me. As smoke is blown away by the wind, may you blow them away; as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God

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