As my mother would always say to me as a child, surround yourself with, God-fearing, successful, positive people or with those who really want do something with their lives. Because those type of people she continued to explain will always have something inspirational or positive to offer. But for those that don't even care about themselves, could care less about you or anyone else.Those people my mother continue to explained are dangerous and reckless. I was always told when one becomes angry, mad or as some would say, get pissed off, there are only a few things a person can do. They can either do something stupid ,by getting themselves in trouble or they can allow their emotions to over take them into making bad life changing decisions. That is why before I make any decision that may effect my life, I always pray and then consult our Father God. Why God? Because for every path or road that I choose, if I allow God to guide me then lead the way, my life will be blessed and changed forever. That is why when I am feeling low, I always draw all my energy from God. Because God has the power to turn a nothing into a something or a bad into a good. God can remove any obstacle that may get into my way. That is why I am encouraging anyone who may read this today to draw their energy and gain their wisdom from God. As my Pastor would always say, "When in need always turn to the one that you can always count on and to someone that will never let you down, our Father God". Draw your Positive Energy from him and all the bad or negative energy will go away, with the blessing, power and grace of our Mighty God. Positive Energy!
Have a blessed day,
Isaiah 48:13 My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together.
Isaiah 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail.
Isaiah 66:2 Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.
Life experiences will definitely show you to put your trust in God and depend on Him. Tell the wrong family, friends and co-workers your dreams and see how quickly your positive energy about your dreams and goals in life quickly deflate. I learned very quickly that everyone is not always on your side. If you stay connected with negative people or situations too long, you will quickly let their negative energy get you down and you can end up giving up on what you believe in. I pray for and leave it for God to handle negative people. Miserable people are not happy in their lives and decisions they made in life and don't want to see you happy.